#11 Jim Plaxton Part 1 / by Michael Kruse

This episode features Toronto based designer Jim Plaxton.  Jim's 30 year career oversaw the start of many important Toronto theatre companies, including Toronto Workshop Productions, Theatre Passe Muraille as well as the start of Toronto Dance Theatre.  In this first half we speak about Jim's early career in architecture and his transition first to film and then to dance and live performance.  We also speak about his influence on the renovations of Theatre Passe Muraille in 1982-3 and his stint there as its co-artistic director with Layne Coleman and Clark Rogers.

Moody and Moore Architects

Wartime Housing by Wimpey

Cinecity Theatre and Film Canada

Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Willem Poolman

Lorne Michaels

Film Co-ops


Toronto Dance Theatre

Peter Rendazzo

David Earle

Patricia Beatty

Toronto Workshop Productions

Gérard Pelletier

School of Toronto Dance Theatre

Theatre Passe Muraille

O.D on Paradise

Hrant Alianak

I Love You Baby Blue and Paul Thompson

Baby Blue II

Lucky Strike

The Blues

Layne Coleman

Clarke Rogers - could find nothing - please send links!

Crackwalker and Judith Thompson